
As a ceramic artist and career counselor,  Molly emphasizes discovery and self expression.  A few recurring themes in her work are resilience, humor and beauty in imperfection.

Molly’s youth was filled with equal parts pain and joy, which built resilience and led her to become a licensed professional counselor.  For this reason many of her sculptural pieces have elements that are broken or bruised, but also wings or other means to rise above.  As a career counselor, Molly deeply enjoys helping others to rise above and reach their full potential. She works at UW-Madison and also sees clients independently.

Molly lived in Latin America for a total of three years and developed a taste for magic realism that is reflected in certain sculptures. She also worked as a Bilingual Resource Specialist in the Madison Public Schools.

Molly has a long history of camping, canoeing, and backpacking.  One highlight was sleeping in a tent every night for a full year, even during a South Dakota winter.  Needless to say, she loves and respects nature. Finally, she has been singing since she left the womb!  The joy and movement found in Molly's art is a direct result of the songs continuously circulating through her mind.

Molly’s ultimate goals are to create connection through art and counseling, and motivate others develop their full potential.